Dad, Genni, and the finished product!
I haven't updated my little blog in about, oh....TWO years, LOL so I will have to dig out my photo archives and upload the Pumpkin Patch from 2010. The pictures were cute but most were taken from behind Genni as she ran from one pumpkin to the next and it's mostly me chasing her around on the hunt for the best pumpkin to be found.
This was our best year at the patch yet, she has wanted to get in the bouncy house they have since she was 1 year and 10 months, but has never been confident enough to do so w/ all the other big kids who do get a little pushy when bouncing. This year she lucked out and was one of the bigger kids when we were there so didn't have to deal w/ 10 year olds rough-housing in the bouncers and she jumped and had a ball.
Back in 2009