Monday, June 28, 2010

Genni and her baby pool

We have so much fun watching her play in this tiny pool!  This is taken June 27th, 2010 at Mimi and Big Jim's.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Artist

Both indoors.....

and outdoors!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Pool Fun

Genni wanted to "swim" this weekend so we got a new baby pool, pink with Disney "princess" Cinderella on the bottom - Genni picked it out herself (to my delight it was the smallest and least expensive!!).  She had a lot of fun!

Note the "homeade" water slide.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Early Morning Playground Fun

This weekend was beautiful - we spent practically all of Saturday and Sunday outdoors (and I am not even an ouside person!!) b/c Genni loves to be outside.  Early Saturday morning we went to Rogers Park for some playgound fun. 

She has really improved on her climbing skills since the last time we were there in the fall. 
Getting ready to slide.

To quote Genni "I do it myseeeelllllfffff"


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fresh Faces Contest | Southeast Texas Child Photographer

Genni is adorable and I would love to try out this photographer so I have entered her in a little online local photographers contest.  If you have the time please drop by the link below and vote between March 5th and March 17th.

Thanks :)

This is not the photo I used, but I figured I should throw up a shot of Genni picking out her first tree on the blog.  I haven't put up any pictures of posts in a while so can't just put up a link w/ no photo. 

To see the photo I entered in the contest I guess you have to click the link.

Fresh Faces Contest Southeast Texas Child Photographer